Hi everyone!
What a day!
This was our first time doing the barbeque at Bunnings and hopefully it was the trial run for future barbeques.

I would like to express my sincere thanks to everyone who helped bring this event to fruition. I so much appreciate those being willing to give up their time on a Sunday, arrived for their scheduled duty on time or early with a happy smiling face and a willingness to perform the task. Of course, there were some who were simply having so much fun, that they stayed longer.

I will share that yesterday I was a little concern about who would be assisting with the last shift, and to my absolute delight, this afternoon, I was flooded with so many volunteers. I am amazed with your generosity and I feel extremely blessed to be surrounded with such wonderful and supportive people. You are all awesome!!
Thank you to those on the last shift who assisted Grant pack the car, and for doing the cleaning, while Anne and I counted the money. I cannot wait to see you again, so I can give you a thank you hug!!

I also would like to thank Chris for his support in ordering the food items, and having them available for Grant and I to pick up.
Anne, would you please pass on this email to Margot and Abbie as I do not have their email address?
Stephanie, please pass on this email to Jeannette (from the Comets) and hubby.
Again, thank you!!