1. Gordon Fraser, when did you first get interested in baseball?
    1991. A friend from St Ives Rugby Club had a kid playing here. He told me to bring my kids. After watching them play for a couple of years, I thought I would give it a try. (1993) After another year, I managed a kids team and then coached an Under 16’s team.
  2. What made you choose Stealers as a club to be involved with and when did you join the club?
    Followed the kids. I first played in 1993.
  3. Tell us a little about anyone else in your family who plays or played baseball
    Two sons Alex and Douglas Fraser. They went from Under 16’s … Alex to Triple AAA grades 1 and 2 (with John Rosello)… Douglas to Triple AAA 2 I think with Ian Graham
  4. What baseball organisations outside of Stealers have you been involved in?
  5. What committee or team management/coaching roles have you had at Stealers?
    Treasurer 1995 President 96 and 97 (??) Treasurer various years after that. Coached Under 16’s and then Under 11’s. Coached F Grade (Hay, Hayter, Burger, Wesley team). Ceased being Coach when I quickly realised they were un-coachable by me, or anyone else. I have played in almost every grade between G Grade and Triple AAA 3. I have played Winter and Summer (approx. 35 games per year) for approx. 20+years = 600 games minimum.
  6. What do you think your greatest contribution has been to the Stealers Baseball and Softball Club?
    Creator of the Battered Bat Award… which is probably now lost and forgotten.
  7. What was your greatest memory of game you or a member of your family played?

    Took my kids to AAA game. AAA3 player no show so I played. Our pitcher couldn’t throw a strike… so I pitched. Gave up 1 home run and got 3 outs.

    G Grade. We are >10 runs ahead so no more stealing. Tony Storrey does not know this as new to game. He steals 2nd We tell him to stop it. So, next pitch, he steals back to 1stbase.

    E Grade at Greenway. In the evening they are setting up a carnival on the far side of the ground. They inflate a jumping castle with a protruding horse head. We bet our batter he can’t hit the ball over the horse head. He does so next pitch. We cheer.

    E Grade at North Sydney. My two sons and I are in the same team. Son #1 bunts with bases loaded and two out. Ian Graham is not impressed.

    G Grade winter baseball. Deep mid-winter. Rodney Burger bring the drinks and food and a large Gas Heater. We surround the gas heater drinking until approx. 7pm in the cold and dark. The Greenway team are doing the same thing in their dugout,,, but they don’t have a heater.

    Etc etc

  8. Are you still playing baseball or have you retired, and if the latter, are you playing any other sport now?
    No more baseball… too old… too fat. I am a strong internet supporter of the Milwaukee Brewers. I am peripherally associated with a rowing club in Port Macquarie.
  9. Where do you see the future of baseball in Australia?
    Similar structure as now… to minimise travel. Semi-Professionals to play in a Far East League.